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ニュース ( 2016/09/07 )

ということで、年末にご依頼を考えて下さってた方々、会社様、デザイナー様、本当に大変申し訳ございません。また、11月中旬まで語学留学に行くため、やや連絡が取りにくくなるかもしれません、ご留意頂ければ幸いです。( 留学中の絵日記・オリジナル作品等はInstagramBlogを中心に適当にUPしていく予定です)2017年初日からはリニューアルしたHama-Houseで再度頑張っていこうと思ってますので、その際は皆様また何卒よろしくお願いいたします!

Thanks for coming my website. I know this is a very sudden announcement but I have decided to take some time off from commercial illustration work for 3 months. (From October to December 31st) Please don’t worry about me! Of course I’m not sick, I'm completely healthy but I feel like I need a break. It’s been 10 years since I started as a professional illustrator and I feel it’s a good time to take a break.
I think we all need time to relax and breathe, I’ve been so busy with tomorrow’s illustrations, the next day’s illustrations so I’d like to take some time to think about more long term things. I want to take some time to refresh and maybe grow a new set of eyes just to see things in a different light and to think more about the future. I need to focus on input rather than output all the time. I feel like I don’t have enough input to keep being creative. I’m just going to completely unplug! It’s going to be so weird...Of course, I will be back in 2017, so please wait for me! (Probably sometime I update my Instagram and Blog, please check it!)

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