PILOT / カスタム742フォルカン
普段の仕事とは全く関係ないスケッチや、趣味で作るGIFアニメ、Loftwork様のお誘いを受けてGIFコンペに応募したところから、何かエラいことに…。上記以外にも何か無数にリンクされてってるみたいで、TumblrとかFacebook経由で海外問合せメールが色々来たりして、何が何やら…。Design Made in JapanのBenjamin様、Spoon & TamagoのJohnny様、ご紹介頂いて本当にありがとうございました。ロフトワーク様にもお礼を言いに行くべく、誘って頂いたGIFアニメ勉強会に今日夜行く予定…お暇な人は是非! Gifアニメ×ハッカソン
I drew illustrations for VOCE magazine that was released today. This Magazine is journal in beauty preparations, my page of charge is "whitening marathon of 30 days".
I drew illustrations for a newspaper advertisement that was released today. The picture was various sports and enthusiastic people around athletic field, it was drawn with a fountain pen type of pilot custom 742 FA. It is messages for Tokyo Olympics 2020 from Panasonic. You can see this newspaper advertisement by Nikkei, Tokyo Yomiuri, Tokyo Sankei, Osaka Mainichi, Osaka Asahi, and some sports magazine.
Panasonic / Tokyo Olympics CM
I drew illustrations for a book that was released today. The book is for use by children, the name is "Yono naka no zukan", the names mean is maybe a public picture book. Many illustrators participated this book, cuz it's interesting for a person who is member of the profession. If you have a child, or you are illustrator, probably it's fun.